Please note Dr. Kenneth will be closed for the December holidays from December 13th to January 15th.


This checklist will help identify your dog’s activities and behaviours that might be signs of osteoarthritis (OA), a degenerative joint disease that can be painful.
This checklist will be emailed to you, allowing you to keep it ready for potentially arranging your next visit to the vet after assessing the results from your symptom checker.

Step 1 of 4

You may be concerned that in the past you have been unable to resolve the problem.

However, with the understanding of arthritis improving all the time, effective treatments and solutions are available.

Find the
best advice

From Our Trusted Vet,
Dr Kenneth

Ask our resident vet Dr Kenneth questions about your dog’s
arthritis and get the best advice on how to treat your arthritic
dog to ensure that your dog enjoys quality of life pain free